Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Library Fun

I just spent the past two hours in the library, and it was torturous. Don't get me wrong, I love to study and do not mind doing homework, but something about the library doesn't sit well with me. In high school, I loved going to the library during lunch (sounds nerdy, I know). I didn't go because I didn't have friends or a table sit at, I went to the library so I could get all my homework done before I got home. I would rather spend the 45 minutes I had for lunch doing work so come 2:15 I was free and did not have to do anymore school work.

When I got to college I assumed I'd be spending a lot of time in the library. I was completely wrong. My bag nearly snapped as I walked there with my ginormous Chem and Calc textbooks, along with other notebooks and binders. I hated hauling my books there, the awkward silence, and how crowed it is. I had a hard time sitting still and felt like everyone was looking at me whenever I made the littlest sound. I like to spread my stuff out (well I'm messy), so the tiny table that I was sharing with 3 other people was not big enough for me. I was unprepared, I didn't bring anything to drink (I don't know how I thought I was going to last there considering I drink coffee every three hours). I also didn't bring headphones. I don't do work listening to music, but I do like to listen to a song or two to break up my time.Now, these are extreme complaints about a library and I know I am overreacting, but I feel like I just waisted 2 valuable hours of my life that I could have used to study.
Fairfield University Library
Now that I know I don't like the library I probably won't be back. There is plenty of places around campus that are great for studying, and way less formal then the library setting. I am perfectly fine with studying and doing my work in my room. My roommate is great about dealing with my homework/study habits. She knows that I sit in weird positions or lay on my floor, and have papers all over the place. I'm starting to appreciate the fact that I can actually get work done in my room, because if not I'd probably be failing out of school.

1 comment:

  1. I am exactly the same! I can not imagine studying in the library, which is why I haven't even tried, because I know it definitely is not for me. It is too quiet and uncomfortable in there and I would much rather study and do homework in my room.
